Powered by Wellness Checkpoint®, the Global Leader for Health and Business Risk Management
Today more than ever, employers recognize the importance of understanding and addressing the psychological and organizational realities that impact employee health, well-being and performance.
Our new Well-Being@Work™ suite of Checkpoint assessments consists of purpose-built modules that examine different aspects of an employee’s psychological strengths and challenges in the context of their work experience. The suite includes:
- Resilience Checkpoint™ (InfoSheet here and video here) incorporates evidence-based measures of resilience, resilience factors (personal characteristics that support resilience and protect against the negative effects of stress) and resilience assets (the physical and mental health resources that can enhance or undermine resilience)
- Psychological Well-Being Checkpoint™ (InfoSheet here and video here) measures psychological well-being (personal characteristics that reflect mental wellness and can serve as protective factors against depression, anxiety and other conditions of mental ill-health), psychological health (symptoms of depression and anxiety and their impact on the employee’s ability to fulfil their work, home and personal obligations) and psychological safety in the workplace (organizational factors that impact mental health and well-being)
- Financial Well-Being Checkpoint™ (InfoSheet here) asks: Do you have control over your finances? How about a financial cushion against unexpected expenses and emergencies? Flexibility to make choices that allow you to enjoy life? Are you prepared for the future and on track to meet your financial goals?
- Stress@Work Checkpoints™ assess psychosocial hazards and risks based on management standards and, as applicable, in compliance with legal obligations for psychosocial risk identification and management. Common psychosocial hazards evaluated relate to job satisfaction (control, effort, reward & demand), organizational modifiers (fairness and respect in the workplace, and support), job and workload (job content, work overload & pace, control, work schedule), physical work environment, roles and relationships, organizational culture, leadership, development and work-home balance. The four psychosocial risk assessments differ in depth and emphasis, in compliance with national and international Occupational Health and Safety standards for Psychological Safety in the Workplace:
- Stress@Work Scan™ – a pre-scan for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (Canada) plus Resilience@Work (InfoSheet here)
- Stress@Work: Global™ – based on HSE Management Standards for psychosocial risk factors (UK) and the PRIMA-EF Framework (InfoSheet here)
- Stress@Work (Mexico: NOM-035) – Psychosocial Risk Identification (Mexico) and Severe Traumatic Events screener for compliance with legal requirements of Mexico Ministry of Labor (InfoSheet here)
- Stress@Work (Japan Stress Check) – for compliance with legal requirements of Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
The Well-Being@Work™ suite of Checkpoints can be administered separately or in any combination, for powerful insight into “What’s Going On?”, “What Needs Attention?” and “How are we Doing?”.