Psychological Well-Being Checkpoint™


Mental Health in the Workplace

Around the world, employers are increasingly recognizing that the mental health of their employees directly impacts organizational success and employee well-being, professional fulfilment and quality of life.  For many, protecting, promoting and addressing mental health in the workplace is a key global priority.

Psychological Well-Being Checkpoint

Acknowledging that mental health priority while understanding the stigma that can impede access to help, we created Psychological Well-Being Checkpoint (PWCP) to support employers’ wellness strategies. The PWCP service helps employees assess their psychological strengths and challenges and refers them to support resources. It gives employers a profile of the group psychological risks that impact the success of their organizations.

The PWCP evaluates mental health in a workplace context along three dimensions:

    • Psychological well-being - personal characteristics that reflect mental wellness and can serve as protective factors against depression, anxiety and other conditions of mental ill-health
    • Psychological disorders - symptoms of depression and anxiety, and their impact on the employee’s ability to fulfil their work, home and personal obligations
    • Psychological safety in the workplace - organizational factors that impact mental health and well-being

In addition to guiding employees with a positive, actionable approach, the PWCP instrument is designed for use as a general screener that arms employers with data to identify opportunities for interventions, training and resources.  PWCP also serves as a monitoring tool that evaluates the impact of psychological well-being intervention strategies and programs, tracks improvements, and provides more control of issues that interfere with performance and well-being.

It Works using any smartphone, laptop, or any web-enabled device, users answer a series of questions (under 3 mins) and upon completion receive a personalized report that identifies individual strengths and risks and guides users to organization- and location-specific resources

On-demand group reporting provides managers a clear line of sight to how the team is doing, the impact of mental health on the business, and what they can do to help

Psychological Well-Being Checkpoint™ helps address the mental health priorities impacting your workforce, and complements healthy cultures and business success