Organizational Stress Checkpoint™


Stress in the Workplace

Let’s face it – work can be stressful, particularly these days. Too much work-related stress can impact your employee’s physical and mental health and productivity, and lead to illness and injury. And we know that employees flourish in fair, respectful and supportive workplaces where they have proper resources and the pressures aren’t more than they can handle. So, how are your employees doing?

Organizational Stress Checkpoint

Our Organizational Stress Checkpoint (OSC) was purpose-built as a general screener to help you answer that difficult question. Using evidence-based measures, OSC evaluates:

    • Stress at work - job satisfaction (control, effort, reward & demand) and organizational modifiers (fairness and respect in the workplace, and support)
    • Resilience assets the key personal physical and mental health resources that help employees deal with and recover from the effects of stress at work, namely: how they cope with and respond to stress, their psychological health (depression and anxiety) and the amount and quality of their sleep

For employers, OSC provides a quick scan of key indicators of stress in the workplace, providing valuable insight through comparison of key factors of job satisfaction and workplace culture across the organization. It identifies groups and issues for management and leadership attention and opportunities for interventions, training and resources to reduce or mitigate the risks associated with workplace stress.

OSC helps employees assess how their workplace is contributing to their stress, and take stock of their personal assets that can help them deal with that stress.

It Works using any smartphone, laptop, or any web-enabled device, users answer a series of questions (under 3 mins) and upon completion receive a personalized report that identifies individual strengths and risks and guides users to organization- and location-specific resources

On-demand group reporting provides managers a clear line of sight to how the team is doing, the impact of mental health on the business, and what they can do to help

Organizational Stress Checkpoint™ helps address the mental health priorities impacting your workforce, and complements healthy cultures and business success